Birthday 2015

I missed this place so much past few days. Ofcourse the reason was; I had so much going around but no time to express. But isn’t life worth it when you are busy and still know you are missed, As you have someone waiting to share that life with.

Well, leaving all those things aside I want to tell about my 2015 Birthday.

It’s the day every birthday girl/boy waits for longingly. It’s totally your day and even your loved ones treat you special. But my loved ones, they do not treat me special, instead make me feel special. They say the day is special for a special person is born. I adore them a lot.

I really want to dedicate this year Birthday post of mine to those lovely special people in my life, who make me feel special.

I am an ordinary girl. Simple and little things are what I adore, though I end up making things complicated for others. In spite of creating fussy things, I am glad and thankful, for I have got best people in life. They simply don’t complain.

I know I am too talkative and I am way too much annoying. I even act crazy and moody many times. I am stubborn and stay confused most of the times. I am not there as supportive as you all have been. Yet you pour on me so much love.

With growing years, I know I have done innumerable mistakes and some big faults too. My silly habits haven’t changed. You scold me, but even forgive me.

The care you have given me all through has indeed helped me become what I am today. It wasn’t easy for me to act strong without your support.

The girl, who used to wish to hide thinking of talking to any stranger, has made many strangers her buddies today. Before interacting to teachers or seniors used to be a nightmare and now I laughingly converse with them. Road crossing, travelling in buses was a big no; but I admire when I now help others on roads. Many such big and small aspects in me have turned correct.

There are times, when I am alone and I am independently tackling things, the courage to handle it was not possible without the presence of yours in my life.

I know I still have so much to improve but the confidence, the maturity to learn & grow up to become better person I have gained, it was impossible if it was just me alone on my path. Thanks for understanding me, making me understand people and giving me the support I needed in the right way, which does suits me. Most of all for never leaving me or letting me leave us.

All those tears you have wiped, that helpful guidance, those tight hugs, those lovely kisses and big smiles; Everything you gave me, all together have been a wonderful memory. These memories are beyond any expensive gift. I may forget things I did, but I can’t forget what you did to me. For you changed my life to the extent I started loving it exclusively. And I know I am in love with you, and the life you gave me.

Generally the word “you” talks about a single individual. But here certainly I am referring to all of you-  My lovingly parents,  my supportive teachers, my adorable friends, my mentor, my awesome few close and best pals, my things that hold a sweet place in my life, my cute teddies, my love and undoubtedly my amazing sister.

This year on my birthday I decided to do nothing grand but make a wish and in that wish, I wished to spread that love. The love, in which you made me fall in love with.

BTW today it’s another special day, a birthday of one my sweet friend. I want to share, I call him prince charming and hopefully he adores the same. Dear, I hope you loved your gift, as the government made it a national holiday on your birthday. Teehee!

It’s a day to feel safe around, for it’s the day when we Indians got our Independence. So safely and happily enjoy your Independence. Celebrate being born and brought up to be an independent person. 🙂


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